NARI-HIC of Staten Island (The Home Improvement Contractors of Staten Island) and the Staten Island Chapter of AIA are proud to present, at this years 56th Annual Building Awards program, our Allen Hauber Scholarship Awards Program.
This scholarship program was designed to provide high school seniors, interested in furthering their education in the architecture, engineering, construction, remodeling or mechanical industries, a scholarship of up to $2,500 towards their education in these fields.
The passing of Allen Hauber in 2014 inspired this program as he was a mentor, and advocate for educating today’s younger generation in the construction, architecture, mechanical and trade industries. Allen was a valuable member of the Staten Island community, serving as Chair of the Staten Island Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Home Show and Building Awards programs, and as the Executive Vice President of the Home Improvement Contractors of Staten Island before he passed away. Allen was the General Manager of Bob Mims Heating & Air Conditioning.
The High School Seniors who applied for this scholarship demonstrated the following outstanding achievements and qualified for program by:
Providing meritorious service to the Staten Island Community;
Demonstrating excellent grades and marked leadership in their Scholastic Achievements;
Proving their skills int he engineering, architecture, mechanical or trade industries by submitting a project demonstrating their talents, or writing an essay pertaining to the experience they have already had in these industries and why they want to pursue this type of career.
Students were nominated by their deans, teachers, and principals who identified their scholastic achievements and desire to pursue their career in these specialized industries.
We congratulate the winners and look forward to having them join our industry